IT Security

Jasa Keamanan  IT/Komputer / Website

Kemanan terhadap komputer pada personal komputer baik milik pribadi atau perusahaan sering kali disepelekan. Apalagi jika komputer tersebut digunakan untuk mengakses data/program melalui internet.  Para hacker dapat menjebol sistem IT/komputer Anda, mengakses dan akhirnya dapat mengambil atau merubah data penting, berguna bahkan rahasia.

Selain itu sering kali website yang dimiliki perusahaan /pribadi tidak dilakukan penguatan keamanan pada sistemnya. Sehingga website tersebut rawan untuk dilakukan hacking sehingga tidak bisa diakses, dilakukan perubahan data hingga merusak website tersebut.

Smartweb Digital menyediakan jada keamanan IT/Komputer/Website. Kami melakukan beberapa standar prosedur keamanan (standard Security Procedure) seperti:

 Proteksi Firewall dan serangan Brute forece:

Konfigur proteksi bagi ingress dan egress firewall.

Deteksi dan mencegah serangan brute force.

Spam Prevention and Anti-Virus Protection:

Konfigur e-mail scanning. Enable auto-updating anti-virus definitions.

Realtime Blackhole Lists (RBLs)

Konfigur email server dengan RBLs untuk mencegah spam.

Memperkuat Konfigurasi Mailserver

Mencegah dan deteksi valid alamat e-mail yang valid melalui serangan brute-force.

Dictionary Attack Protection – mencegah spammers menebak alamat email pada server Anda.

Custom rulesets

Proteksi terhadap HTTP Intrusion dan DOS:

Install and configure mod_security for Apache with auto-updating ruleset.

Install and configure DOS, DDOS, and brute force detection and suppression for Apache.

Penguatan Server:

Disable IP Source Routing

Enable protection against IP source route attacks.

Disable ICMP Redirect Acceptance

Enable protection against ICMP redirect attacks.

Enable syncookie protection – Enable protection against TCP Syn Flood attacks.

Enable ICMP rate-limiting

Enable protection against ICMP flood attacks.

Harden Apache

Prevent module and version disclosure information.

Harden SSH

Harden Named

Enable protection against DNS recursion attacks.

Ensure Filesystem Permissions

Fix permission on world writable directories and prevent against directory-transversal attacks.

Harden temporary directory and shared memory locations – Enforce noexec, nosuid on tmp and shm mounts.

Remove unnecessary packages

Removes RPMS which are not needed to prevent against potential vulnerabilities and free up disk space.

Disable unused services

Disable services which are not used.

Disable unneeded processes

Disable processes which are not needed for server operation.

PAM Resource Hardening

Protects against exploits which use core dumps and against user resource exhausting through fork bombs and

other shell attacks.

PHP Hardening

Enable OpenBaseDir protection.

Security Audits:

Scan pada malam hari untuk deteksi intrusi pada sistem.

Scan bagi unauthorized “nobody” processes.